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[BUG] Multiple redirections when clicking any team picture

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medal 6302
177 days ago
¿Qué has intentado hacer?
Click on a team's pic to see their info

¿Qué es lo que ocurrió?
The system first starts opening the profile but then redirects you to the main screen/home. Then you see how the spinner for loading in progress starts up to 4 times until you finally see the team profile.

¿El problema ocurrió mientras usaba wi-fi, datos móviles o ambos?

¿El error se produjo en la app, en PC o en ambos?

¿Cuál es el modelo de su dispositivo?
Unihertz tank 3

¿Qué sistema operativo posee?

¿Cuál es el número de versión del sistema operativo?

¿Se puede reproducir el error?
Yes. Everytime I do this, wherever I am I'll be redirected to home, then 4 loadings of profile until the last one finally "stays".

This occurs aswell when you are waiting for a quick race timer and try to see other teams profiles... Then it will kick you out of the waiting list (since it first redirects you to the home screen, then the usual 4 loads etc).

Comentarios adicionales:
I assume someone is making listener events that are overlaying on top of others and executing multiple actions/promises: Some trying to open the profile, one that redirects to home etc.
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