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Can't hire Staff

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medal 5435
154 days ago
Hello everyone!
I have a problem: I can't hire any team staff - technical directors, chief designers or doctors.
The "Bid" button is simply blocked and cannot be pressed.
This problem has been observed for the last week and nothing has changed.
At the same time, I can hire drivers, 
so it seems that the firewall is not the cause of the problem.
Also I cleaned up IGP-cookies in browser (I don't know is it "Clearing Cache" or not).
Do you have any ideas on how to solve this?
medal 5677 Community Manager
154 days ago
Hey Dom,

Do you’ve any ad blocker enabled or other extension?
medal 5435
154 days ago
Hey, Jose, 
I just checked the settings. It seems there are no extensions or blockers in a browser.
medal 5677 Community Manager
153 days ago
Can you try from incognito?
medal 5435
153 days ago
Ok, I tried incognito-mode, it still didn't help.


Then I tried another temporary available internet-provider,
it seemed to work (at least the button is green and not blocked),
so i tried some of  settings on my regular provider,
and enabling and using DHCP (instead of Static IP) did the trick.
So, yeah, the problem seems to be solved.

Thanks Jose for the related ideas).
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