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Fuel consumption

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medal 6441
146 days ago
Can someone clarify and say EXACTLY what the rounding of fuel consumption corresponds to? For example, if the result is 2.0, some say it's 1.95-2.04, while others claim it's 1.91-2.00. Thanks in advance.

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5025
145 days ago
Hello Patrick,
Fuel consumption rounding starts from 0.05, for example if you consume 1.94 L it will appear as 1.9 L but if you consume 1.95 L it will appear as 2 L.
medal 5025
145 days ago
Hello Patrick,
Fuel consumption rounding starts from 0.05, for example if you consume 1.94 L it will appear as 1.9 L but if you consume 1.95 L it will appear as 2 L.
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