Now that I am coming off a hiatus period after visiting Saudi Arabia, I'm finally able to settle in and experience the parts of the new iGP that I haven't been able to yet.
I have some feedback about information shown on the Circuit Data box on the Next Race page and viewing any race result.
- The overview tab on Circuit Data should show each date for when the Qualifying record and Race lap record were set for the race tracks. I am requesting this so I can see when each last record was set and how recent it is. This will provide some joy and convenience in seeing which track records stand the longest.
- Viewing a race result doesn't show what tyre was used in qualifying. I'm requesting this for convenience.
- Viewing a race result doesn't show when the results were published (for a race result that is not in my league, etc.) I'm requesting this one for convenience as well, as I don't know how else to see publishing dates for results my team is not listed in.
That is all. This is really not too important but these minor details would help, especially the first suggestion. Thank you!