Yuri Kasdorp medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
Qualy was supposed to be done at 12:40 GMT. Hasn't happened. Race about to start.

Yuri Kasdorp medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
Not being shown any objectives. Same bug which happened 2 weeks ago.

Nick Randall medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
The 2D isn't working either.
Just says Connection Problem

Ethan Idriss medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
Yes, this has already happened in the past.
Link for the race
Nick Randall medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
I remember :(
Last time it was sorted about 3pm GMT

Ethan Idriss medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
Let's hope it is going to be sorted earlier this time.
I know you can do it Jack ;)

L Gallagher medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
Could you explain what happnened last time ?
Will the race run anymay...?

Nick Randall medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
It was something to do with a file or data (or something) that was moved that caused the problem.
Last time the races were restarted at 3pm GMT but hopefully it will be sorted quicker this time.

Ethan Idriss medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago

Jeff MacKay medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
Seeing as how this is the second time I've seen this happen, maybe there should be a rule in place to handle late race starts. Such as:
If a race doesn't start at the scheduled time, once the problem is fixed, the next start times are exactly 1 hour, 2 hours or 3 hours past the start time. If it staill hasn't started by then, it will be run the next scheduled race day, with all other races bumped back 1 day.
That way we don't all have to sit and watch the forum so we don't miss the race. Just check in at those times.

Nick Randall medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
Andrew has said in another thread that he's working on the problem

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
And it's fixed now. Sorry about this! Again it was due to human error, though for completely different reasons from last time. See this thread:
Yuri Kasdorp medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
The race just restarted but on Lap 2, the live timing has froze, not sure if that is linked to this or not.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
Do you know what lap your race got to originally? It should resume from where it left off. If it doesn't, then there may be another problem although it almost certainly is linked to this one.
I resumed all of the races a minute ago but stopped them again. Hopefully it restores from the correct point in the race when I start them all properly in a minute.

Nick Randall medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
The race got to sector 3 in Valencia on lap 1, I think.