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Staff star rating

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medal 5856
82 days ago

Are the star ratings actually reflective of ability? Basically I have a chief design with 28 talent, 30 experience, and 30 morale but with a star rating of 21, however on the transfer market there’s another chief designer with 27 talent, 30 experience, and 30 morale but has a star rating of 23. Would that mean there better because of the higher star rating even though my current chief designer has better talent?

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5110 Super Mod
82 days ago
Hi Kiers.

The star rating of the staff member is the most important part of all. It is best to have a staff member the same level (the number next to the stats) as your account. This will almost always show as 4.5 or 5 stars.

 The talent, experience and morale of the staff mean virtually nothing currently, Inbelieve they are a left over element from an older form of the game.

(For absolute clarity, the same is not true for drivers, the stats are very important there) 
medal 5110 Super Mod
82 days ago
Hi Kiers.

The star rating of the staff member is the most important part of all. It is best to have a staff member the same level (the number next to the stats) as your account. This will almost always show as 4.5 or 5 stars.

 The talent, experience and morale of the staff mean virtually nothing currently, Inbelieve they are a left over element from an older form of the game.

(For absolute clarity, the same is not true for drivers, the stats are very important there) 
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