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Tyre Wear - Refuelling

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medal 6095
80 days ago

Can anyone help me if the tyre wear works differently between refuelling and non-refuelling leagues?
I have most of my in-game experience in non-refuelling league, so tyre wear calculation is easy for that. You keep subtracting the tyre wear percent times tyre left from the tyre lefts each lap.

I have joined a refuelling league now, and it seems that tyres last a bit longer. Is it just less fuel impact? If yes, then is it possible to get a formula of it? Or maybe reduce tyre wear by some margin?

Any thoughts will be helpful.

medal 5110 Super Mod
80 days ago (Last edited by Red Craigie 80 days ago)
Hi akshay, the formula is identical for NRF and RF.

However tyres do wear at different rates for different race distances. I don’t know if that is a factor in what you are experiencing.

I can’t turn my mod colours off for half a post, so highlighting here the statement below is a personal opinion.

Personally I don’t believe the tyre formula is quite as simple as you state and that may be part of why you are getting unexpected results.
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