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Keep Earning negative money

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medal 5274
69 days ago

After every race, I usually get 600K - 2M loss from every race. My drivers usually finish in the points. My 1st driver mostly finished in the points, and my second driver finishes from 4-10th place per race. My sponsors are IRacing and WTF1. So why am I still getting negative balances per race? Keep spending tokens to keep the balance positive. Any help is appreciated :D.
medal 5832
68 days ago
It’s not about the points but about fulfilling the objective the sponsor sets, that will help you earn the most.
Also, using your own drivers from the youth academy instead of buying from the market will help, as your drivers will have lower salaries.
Finally, there’s no difference in reward between having one or two drivers, so you might consider switching to a league with a single driver - will save you some money on one salary.
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