Hein Gummi medal 5453 14 days ago (Last edited by
Hein Gummi 14 days ago)
concerning my engine I cannot choose a certain strength for the upcoming track (China). I am able to choose that certain strength for other tracks so I wonder why it is not working for China.
I could send screenshots but I would prefer to open a ticket to not show off any secrets about the development status of my cars here. Would any Dev / Mod please explain in general what might be going on or send me a link to open a ticket, so I can offer screenshots, please?
Thanks for your support!
Kevin Bissell medal 5000 Super Mod 14 days ago
Here is a link to the "Contact Us" page...
Contact Us Hein Gummi medal 5453 14 days ago
Thank you, Kevin, I sent a ticket...
Red Craigie medal 5186 Super Mod 14 days ago
Hi Hein
In case it saves you time, I'll take a shot in the dark at what might be the issue. You cannot select a strength that is currently your weakness. So if that is the case, you could try selecting a different strength first, which would have a different paired weakness and would open up your desired choice.
If that doesn't fix it, hopefully you will have a response to your ticket soon.
Hein Gummi medal 5453 14 days ago (Last edited by
Hein Gummi 14 days ago)
Hey Red Craigie,
thanks so much, it was working the way you suggested 🤠👍
Indeed it seems like you can never choose the option that is currently your weakness as a strength without that indirection. Never noticed that before...