Chris 'Iceman' Tones medal 5583 11 days ago (Last edited by
Chris 'Iceman' Tones 11 days ago)
Ok, I see you mean base price, so level 30 in the 500k - 1M range, level 29 in the 400k to 900k range, …
2 things to consider:
Lower base price cuts into manufacturer profits (is it sustainable to have less profit at a level where less clients are allowed)
Level 26 and 27 do the same, it both gains you +13 as level 27 is strenght +27 and weakness -14. So maybe make it diminish per 2 levels
It’s not a bad suggestion, not my cup of tea though, I like free market better as indeed a level 28 manager could have an engine worth its money (Fried Rice’s argument)
Yeah just a base price increase, as it is there is no trade off really. Like i say you can't go under 500k, you can't give them away for free and you can't ideally advertise a lower level engine for a higher price, or even up the price for your existing customers (even individually) because lvl 30 will just out do you anyway so they may as well be a set 500k price for the lot of them. It's just a pointless system overall imo.
Dick: "Should anyone be prevented from charging what they want?" As before with someone else.. why are you making things up? We are ALL already prevented from charging what we want.. prevented from individual contracts with customers and prevented from giving them away for free. It is again not what i was talking about and a completely pointless baseless statement.