Yuri Kasdorp medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
I'm not sure if this is the same case with 2D but in my race which was recently restarted, my live timing has froze. I have refreshed and reloaded the live timing but it is still stuck on Lap 2.

Nick Randall medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
Andrews said that the race is paused, but is going to be restarted at 14.30 GMT

Yuri Kasdorp medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
Okay. I heard that the races were restarted, saw the race had started but then I noticed it had stopped.

Nick Randall medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
My 2D did restart for about a lap, but then it stopped and just says Connection Problem.
I'm hoping that it will start up again when the race restarts

Ethan Idriss medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
The race were not supposed to start before 2:30 GMT which is in a minute or so.
I have now a connection problem in 2D

Ethan Idriss medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
Now I have race not open...

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
refresh and see if that helps

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
Is this your race Ethan?:
https://igpmanager.com/play/?url=race-launch/15892 I can watch that one OK just now. Can you still not see it?

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
When I started all the races, I expect you will have seen a "Race not open" message due to the simulator having been stopped, but it should only have lasted a maximum of 10 seconds...