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New Rookie 5/2/2025

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medal 5595
27 days ago
Hello I read about the new rules that will come into force starting from February 5th and will also concern the new ROOKIE who will be eliminated from the leagues to create a new way of competing to have only active players, all beautiful, I only ask you, being the manager of the Italian championship "F1 the mythical ones of 22:30" championship of many friends, full both in the elite and Pro level with 16 managers out of 16 and with 6 active managers out of 8 of the Rookies. These six managers, among other things now relegated with the previous season, at least 3 levels 30, a 25, an 11 and a level 8. Where will these levels above 10 go, four of which have been with us for many years, will our pro level be expanded or will they have to leave our championship and will not be able to return until there are abandonments?
medal 5677 Community Manager
27 days ago
Hey Giovanni,

Unfortunately they’ll have to find a new league. There’s nothing we can do about it.
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