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Problem in Signing Free Driver

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medal 5274
27 days ago

I have a few shortlisted drivers, and I wanted to sign one of them. They are a free driver. However when I click on contract, it shows a locked symbol. Would like help understanding how to solve that issue? Thanks.

BTW, the driver I wanna sign is a level 20, while I am a level 18. Since I know I can't make them an active driver, I would like to place that driver as a reserve for now.
medal 5417
26 days ago
Unless you previously owned them you won’t be able to.  A couple of years ago a change was made to prevent players who were using scripts to hoover up all the decent drivers and hold onto them.  Now you can only buy via the Transfer market or headquarters.  The exception being shortlisted drivers you previously owned.  Whether the revamp on 5th Feb will bring changes I’m not sure, but there was nothing in the blogs to suggest it has changed.
medal 5274
26 days ago
Ah alr, thx
medal 5110 Super Mod
26 days ago
I’ll just add that even if you had owned them previously, you could not sign them if you were level 18 and the driver level 20. You may not sign drivers higher than your current account level.

You may however train a driver that you own over that level and continue to use them.
medal 5274
25 days ago
That's odd...because I'm still level 18 and found another Level 20 driver. Note that I am still Level 18. I signed him, and just did a quick race with said driver.
medal 5110 Super Mod
25 days ago

That's odd...because I'm still level 18 and found another Level 20 driver. Note that I am still Level 18. I signed him, and just did a quick race with said driver.

Hello. I assume this is the driver you currently have as driver 1. This driver is level 18, but talent 20.

The drivers level is the number next to the star rating. Talent is an individual stat and only part of the overall level calculation.

Hope that makes sense :-)
medal 5274
25 days ago
Oh okay! Thanks!
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