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Driver not at level 30

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medal 5654
23 days ago (Last edited by Aldux Leclerc 23 days ago)

I was wondering how is this driver not level 30? All his stats are at 30, except for BMI (which of course should be around 25). Is the BMI included in the calculation or is maybe the age affecting his level?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I saw a driver with exactly the same stats (even age and bmi) and he was at level 30, so this makes even less sense to me.
medal 5110 Super Mod
23 days ago
Hi Aldux. It’s a long standing calculation issue. The level does not update with an increase of experience. So the explanation is that all of your drivers stats except experiences were at 30 before experience. While the driver which you see as level 30, it’s experience must have been 30 before all the other stats reached 30.

At the end of the day, the drivers level does not affect the performance, it is the stats that are important.
medal 5654
23 days ago
Ah okay, I understand.

Thanks for the explanation. You even answered what would have been my next question (if the level affects performance) :D

Nice to know it doesn’t.
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