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After the update, the "Rookie" category in the league disappeared

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medal 6385
18 days ago
Що Ви намагалися зробити?
After the update I went into the league and I only see the "Pro" and "Elite" categories.

Що сталося замість того?
When I logged into the profiles of managers who were in the "Rookie" category through the results of the last race, I discovered that they had automatically left the league.

Проблема сталася за використання wi-fi, мобільного інтернету, чи обох?

Помилка була у додатку, у ПК, чи в обох?

Яка модель Вашого пристрою?
Xiaomi Mi10T Pro

Яка операційна система Вашого пристрою?

Який номер версії операційної системи?

Яка операційна система на Вашому ПК?

В якому браузері Ви зіткнулися з проблемою?
Google Chrome

Чи можна відтворити помилку?
Go to the league menu, most likely this is not only in my league

Додаткові коментарі:
medal 5957
18 days ago
It's the last update, not bug. Now league has only 2 divisions.
medal 6038
18 days ago
I had 250 points lead in the PRO and got kicked out because I'm lvl 9.. 

Worst update ever.
medal 5790
18 days ago
you'll be back soon if you play some sprint race
medal 6038
18 days ago
If you read the previous bug topics, we can't enter races. loading stops at 6 % in browser. And I'm not installing any apps for sure. 
medal 6385
17 days ago
I guess I actually missed it. It's unusual, however.
medal 5790
17 days ago
I know,i have the same problem with the race viewer,but just wait for the bug to be solved,can't take too much...even if is more than one day is still ok
medal 5328
17 days ago
When I logged in, I got automatically kicked out of my F1 Italian Championship. I got promoted to Pro when I won it, but now because I'm level 8 I can't join back. I was even in the lead. Is there a way to join the championship back?
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