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Tokens gone for Livery Change

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medal 5203
17 days ago
What did you try to do?
Chose the first car model and the colours and it was shown it would cost me nothing

What happened instead?
30 tokens were vanishing from my account after saving

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

Can the bug be reproduced?
Not going to reproduce

Additional comments:
Would not have spent 30 tokens if informed correctly. And would not have changed the team colour for additional 5 tokens if realized the bug earlier. Kindly ask 35 tokens back.
medal 5677 Community Manager
17 days ago
Hey Hein,

Livery cost is correctly displayed here. Could you please send us a screenshot so we can review it and fix it? Thank you!
medal 5203
17 days ago
How could I send a screenshot of things that happened in the past?  When pressing the "save" button I had no reason to think that the displayed "0 tokens" would be a wrong information. Therefore I had no reason to do a screenshot. I can try reproducing the bug with my other account instead?
medal 5677 Community Manager
17 days ago
Please try to reproduce the bug, that would be super helpful.
medal 5203
17 days ago (Last edited by Hein Gummi 17 days ago)
Indeed I cannot reproduce it with my other account, nor with this one. Everything is shown correctly. It might be because I was not a league member with this account and then joined a league. Something else happened wit this account after joining a new league. My Elite team was degraded to Pro. But that might be  the new rules now when changing leagues? Or was my account treated like a newly joined player? That might explain why the first car model was shown for zero tokens. And it might explain why my complete race history is deleted.

However, I cannot reproduce. All I can do is promise to not report it incorrectly and that I am not confused. I changed the livery several times in my career and I know very well  to take attention on the changes of the prices before saving...

Of course the livery design can be reset to the livery I used before if possible. If not possible I would be alright with a partly refund. 

Please promote me to Elite if the degradation was a mistake. And I would appreciate getting my race history back.

Thank you!
medal 5677 Community Manager
17 days ago
I understand that and I believe you. As a middle ground let's just reimburse half of the cost.
medal 5003
17 days ago
I had the same problem.  I must have been one of the first to try the livery editor.  I took the first livery because it was for 0 tokens at that moment. Suddenly it cost me 10 tokens. Now it is shown as a 10 token livery. Oh well, sh*t happens.
medal 5203
17 days ago
Thank you, José!
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