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League is stuck in race mode

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medal 6340
17 days ago
I am in two leagues. Both my leagues are stuck in live race mode long after the race start time and race has finished. So the race is not being completed and none of the stats or anything is being updated. 
medal 5223
17 days ago
League where I race has the same problem. Elite race started yesterday and hasn't completed yet.
medal 5475
17 days ago
Same problem in our league, almost 3 hours since the end of the race but didn't officially end the live event. the race is stuck and none of the stats or anything is being updated. no actions can be performed
medal 5399
17 days ago
Our league is having the same problem. No design points, and not possible to train driver, repair car, etc.
medal 5746
16 days ago
NOT resolved yet as stated... Stuck in limbo after race. Please can it be sorted out.
medal 5675 Community Manager
16 days ago

NOT resolved yet as stated... Stuck in limbo after race. Please can it be sorted out.

Everything looks fine from your account, could you please describe the issue?
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