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Leaderboard having problems

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medal 5790
17 days ago
The leaderboard is showing the places wrong,like P1 is p8...P2 is p32,and we don't know why,it happend in the league race,it happend to everyone
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
17 days ago
Hello Bogdan,

Did this problem only happen to you in your league? Is it possible that you had the car number activated in the race viewer instead of the drivers' positions?
medal 5790
17 days ago
Hello!It didn't happend just to me it happend to everyone,at the start of the race some cars weren't even on the grid,and appeared after the lights went out,others said they had the leaderboard transparent,like nothing was shown,others had random like me,it came back to normal after refreshing the game 3-5 times
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
17 days ago
Hello Bogdan,

I'm sorry. I can schedule a rerun if the host requests it. 
medal 5790
17 days ago
No,we(everyone who was online) discussed and said to not rerun  because everyone had the same problems 
Thank you!
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