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lost money each race i had to pay salaries complet each RACE!

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medal 5222
15 days ago
Was hast du versucht zu tun?
try again, and same happend

Was ist stattdessen passiert?
the full salaries payed each race and ruuinng me!

Passierte das Problem, während du WLAN, Mobile Daten oder beides genutzt hast?

Ist dieser Fehler in der App, auf dem PC oder auf beiden Plattformen aufgetreten?

Welches Gerät?
WIN 10 and IOS Iphone

Welches Betriebssystem?

Auf welcher Version ist dein Betriebssystem?

Welches Betriebssystem ist auf deinem PC?
WIN 10

In welchem Browser ist der Fehler aufgetreten?
Opera Safari and even Modzilla

Kann der Fehler wiederholt werden?
yes each race the same, frustrating!

Zusätzlicher Kommentar:
each race i payed all salaries

enormous bug!
medal 5110 Super Mod
15 days ago
Hi Doreen

I'm sorry I don't understand this report. Can you clearly explain the problem for me?
medal 6113
15 days ago (Last edited by Andreas Beaver 15 days ago)
It's pretty simple - instead of once a day, the entire salary of the drivers, engineers, etc. is deducted for every race, which adds up to absurd sums and kills my score - every race I drove, the entire salary is deducted for salary. see screenshot if I manage to upload it!

still questions?  Extremely many people have this problem, see forum!

i cant upload a pictrue here but oi can send
i had 3 races :  19:43 ---- payed for everything millions --- race 2 ( sprint) 20:04  again a lot of mio bugs for all -
liga race 22:38 again pay!
medal 5138
15 days ago
I have the same issue, wages taken out several times on 06 Feb for all staff.
medal 5110 Super Mod
15 days ago
It's pretty simple - instead of once a day, the entire salary of the drivers, engineers, etc. is deducted for every race, which adds up to absurd sums and kills my score - every race I drove, the entire salary is deducted for salary. see screenshot if I manage to upload it!

still questions?  Extremely many people have this problem, see forum!

i cant upload a pictrue here but oi can send
i had 3 races :  19:43 ---- payed for everything millions --- race 2 ( sprint) 20:04  again a lot of mio bugs for all -
liga race 22:38 again pay!

There is a seperate thread for this, all 3 of you have already posted there. Why are we starting multiple topics?

All the original post actually tells me in isolation is that they are paying salaries every race. This sounds like expected behaviour, which is why I asked for more details. Combined with the fact I can see the posts on the correct thread for dealing with the issues caused by race results being processed multiple times, the fair assumption is that this may be a new issue I need to gather information on.

Please help us to help all of you by providing clear and concise information on the problems you face, in the appropriate thread if you can find it. This way we can get the problems sorted faster.

Thank you for you understanding :)
medal 5222
15 days ago

Hi Doreen

I'm sorry I don't understand this report. Can you clearly explain the problem for me?

what? i had to pay every coasts each race i do! means 5 raced i payed 5x drivers 5x mechanics etc.... form are full wit this problem, what do you not understand`?  Screenshoots i cant upload, i dondt own a  own server so that i can ulpoad a file and post here
medal 6113
15 days ago


It's pretty simple - instead of once a day, the entire salary of the drivers, engineers, etc. is deducted for every race, which adds up to absurd sums and kills my score - every race I drove, the entire salary is deducted for salary. see screenshot if I manage to upload it!

still questions?  Extremely many people have this problem, see forum!

i cant upload a pictrue here but oi can send
i had 3 races :  19:43 ---- payed for everything millions --- race 2 ( sprint) 20:04  again a lot of mio bugs for all -
liga race 22:38 again pay!

There is a seperate thread for this, all 3 of you have already posted there. Why are we starting multiple topics?

(More text to come)

no body told that there is working on it or that the problem is known, maybe that why?

medal 5110 Super Mod
15 days ago
The thread that you have posted on contains responses from Jack and Ovih stating that the problem is being worked on. But perhaps you didn't read the whole thing.

What I advise is provide clear information in that thread on when you have lost money and you should receive help as soon as possible if it is.
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