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In progress
yellow flag and double yellow

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medal 6412
12 days ago
Is it possible add a rule in the league that permit to the host to avoid yellow flag ad double yellow flag working?

medal 5110 Super Mod
12 days ago
Hi Simone

The yellow flags should not be here and work is ongoing to make them go away again. So a rule won't be necessary :)

I will ask for a bit of patience and understanding as there's a lot going on for the admin team right now. I can assure you everyone is doing the best they can but I can't tell you exactly when the problem will be resolved right now.
medal 6412
12 days ago
Hi Red!

thank you. 

However I know that there are some players askling for safety car and yellow flag.
If they want it, you can let them but FOR them and not for all , so I asked a rule....

I know that they are working to solve a lot of issue, do not worry. ;-)
medal 5332
12 days ago

Hi Simone

The yellow flags should not be here and work is ongoing to make them go away again. So a rule won't be necessary :)

I will ask for a bit of patience and understanding as there's a lot going on for the admin team right now. I can assure you everyone is doing the best they can but I can't tell you exactly when the problem will be resolved right now.

I like the idea of yellow flags when cars fail due to fuel or not being looked after. It may make a race come to life if someone gets a stop they wouldn’t have taken if there was no flags slowing things down.
medal 5144 Super Mod
12 days ago
Hi Kevan.

In my humble opinion, the flags as they are implemented right now are awful and are exploitable by managers in two car leagues and managers with multiple accounts in one car leagues.

Hopefully the flags will be removed just as soon as the Devs are able to do this because they bring with them exactly the issues that we experienced the last time they were introduced. Back then there was an outcry from the community and they were removed again very quickly.

Hopefully, if they come back, they will be configurable by the league host and something other than inactive managers or refuelling issues will trigger them.
medal 5767
12 days ago
I agree,and I say that as someone who wants yellows and SC in the game ,because now is the same thing that was some years ago and we all know how bad it was...I want to see yellows and SC in the game,but made better,but as are now ,should be removed,good to hear the Devs are working on it
medal 6177
9 days ago
For last 2 races the stupid flags coming out has cost me race wins. In yesterday's race I missed out drs on 4 occasions. With inactive drivers retiring, it's insane why the flags have come back I thought we got rid of them. Ridiculous!
medal 5144 Super Mod
9 days ago

You're the league host, the solution is simple, kick the inactives. Let them know they're welcome back when they can find the time to at least log in and repair their cars once every three days.
medal 5332
9 days ago


You're the league host, the solution is simple, kick the inactives. Let them know they're welcome back when they can find the time to at least log in and repair their cars once every three days.

Oh, no. They didn’t complain about their League as the host? 😂

Kicking in actives would be my first action. My League waits roughly 30 days which I don’t agree with, but I’m not the guy at the top. I’d have inactive players out after a week.
medal 6177
9 days ago
Longest inactive manager in elite tier just got to 7 days today. The next inactive player is not active for 4 days. But why have devs brought back the flag system without informing us players and sneakily added it in the game in the middle of the season randomly. Especially when it doesn't work well and can be exploited to gain unfair advantage. 
medal 6126
9 days ago

Longest inactive manager in elite tier just got to 7 days today. The next inactive player is not active for 4 days. But why have devs brought back the flag system without informing us players and sneakily added it in the game in the middle of the season randomly. Especially when it doesn't work well and can be exploited to gain unfair advantage. 

You’ve had a mod telling you they shouldn’t be there, why do you think they would sneak it in?
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