Since the update I haven't been able to watch the races anymore
in 3D on my PC, I downloaded your file that you posted to see
Races 3D won't let me install it, it gives me this error.
WINDOWS/system32/shfolder.dll is not intended for use
with windows or contains an error. try reinstalling the program
from the original installation media or contact your administrator
of the system or the software supplier.
error status 0x000012f.
internal error failed to load DLL
please help me?? Thank you
This is the PC I use
I'll start by saying that before I could see the races in 3D very well
intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3250 CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz
8,00 GB
scheda video geforce gtx 1050 ti