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medal 5832
1 day ago
So I understand that the Reliability stat has more effect these days, which is fine. But how high does the stat need to be to make a difference to the amount of parts used per race?

With the update my stat was about 20something, now I'm up over 100 and still using the same amount of parts. I realise on the new scale up to 300 this is still barely a third but I would expect the parts used to come down a bit.

And another thing - do one car leagues get up to 30 parts per race from their HQ? It seems a bit biased towards them when a two car league is using over 35 parts per race.
medal 5795
1 day ago

I agree my stat for reliability now is 128, and it will cost me 32 parts for 2 cars next race I don't think I will be continuing after this season. Unless some thing changes.
medal 5832
1 day ago
As I mentioned in a suggestion thread, it would be good if parts repair could be a sliding scale rather than all or nothing. Its common with real F1 teams to not have all current parts on a car after a series if crashes, so for us, maybe only repairing 15 parts instead of the full 18 might be a similar thing.
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