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[2025] What’s new at level 10

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medal 5808
16 days ago (Last edited by Slo Bro 16 days ago)
So you made it to level 10, good show. At level 10 a whole new world opens up, let’s have a short look at what’s new

You now have access to leagues. It’s a bit like in a race game, you only had ‘single race’ and now you unlocked ‘tournament’. As in a race game, you can choose which tournament you participate in, in igp you can handpick from a variety of leagues, this is where they differ:

  • Racedays: any league can race maximum once every day and maximum every day of the week. Don’t panic, you can mix league races and sprint races if you like to race more frequently then just the league races.

  • Race time: on the selected days, the league race will always start at the same time

  • 1 or 2 car: in 1 car leagues, each manager controls 1 car. In 2 car leagues each manager controls 2 cars, in race they need to be simultaneously managed

  • Race length: races can be 100% of the amount of laps in real life or 75%, 50% or 25%

  • Race speed: the speed at which the cars move around the track in live races, these can be 1 times, 1,5 times or 2 times

  • League rule 1: refuelling. If turned off the fuel load will be in the car at race start. Pit stop is only used to change tyres. If turned on, pit stop is used to change tyres AND to add fuel for that stint.

  • League rule 2: 2 compound rule. If turned on, there’s a mandatory use of 2 different tyre compounds per race. If turned off: free tyre choice

  • League rule 3: fastest lap point. If turned on: one championship point is awarded to the car with the fastest laptime in that race. If turned off: obviously not.

  • Population: the real richness of a league: the managers in it. The camaraderie, banter on league board or race chat, experienced managers helping out newbies, a league can be like family.

  • There are leagues with discord servers, social media groups, self imposed rules to keep it interesting, self-made side competitions or cups, …

If you’re not happy with your league format or if competition is thin, do search for another league, there are a lot of good and unique leagues around.

I’m guessing you selected a league that matches the days and time you can race, let’s now dive into where you are: pro tier.

Every league has 2 tiers: pro and elite. To get from pro to elite, promotion has to be active. In league standings tab, there’s a symbol of 2 intertwined arrows, if that symbol is green: promotion is active. The teams above the green line are in the promotion area, teams in this position at the end of season, will promote to elite.

If the symbol is red: there will be no teams promoted to elite at end of season.

Another thing that is tied to a league is your car. You can now switch from sprint car (your car design for sprint races) to league car (your ‘tournament -car’)

Overview gives you an overview of your current car, livery, sponsors and car attributes.

the upgrade button is new: this gives you the possibility to allocate design points (generated by design building) into a car attribute.  Upgrade your design building in headquarters to generate more design points per race. You can save design points to use them later in the season but all leftover design points will disappear at end of season.

Without going into much detail: spend design points wisely and research mainly in the big 4 (acceleration, handling, braking and downforce). In no refuel leagues: fuel efficiency may be important as well.

The review button (also new) opens the research screen. This is where you can decide to spy on the leading car in each attribute to gain design points by next race. If the square turns red, don’t research it, you will not gain any design points, if it turns green, you will. Researching the biggest gap or gaps between your car and the leader in that attribute, gives the biggest gain(s).

Research power depends on manager level and staff level (both chief designer and technical director). Try to get 4,5 or 5 star staff from transfer market to maximise research. Don’t mind staff attributes only star rating matters.

Same note here as design points: research mainly on the big 4. In no refuel leagues: fuel efficiency may be important as well.

Your car will progressively build its attributes up through research and design points until the last race of a season. At start of new season, your car will reset to new start of season design.

That’s it, these were the new things at level 10, if you want further reading,do digest this Beginner’s guide. It’s a great guide, up to date, written by Rhys, absolute legend and an old friend.
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