Manolo Pies de Plata medal 5803 12 days ago (Last edited by
Jack Basford 12 days ago)
Buenas, acabamos de correr en China y han surgido varios problemas en los resultados al finalizar la carrera, ya que a varios se les ha colocado en posiciones erróneas, Sante quedo 2-3 y sale como 4-6, y Javi no ha hecho un 1-2, sino un 1-4, y asi con varios mas.
Agradeceria que se nos solucionase este problema, gracias de antemano.

Massimo Mancini medal 5177 12 days ago (Last edited by
Jack Basford 12 days ago)
Ciao a tutti, poco fa è terminata la gara del nostro campionato in Russia, ma i risultati sono tutti sballati. Cosa dobbiamo fare?

Guillermo DS medal 6044 12 days ago
¿Qué has intentado hacer?
Al terminar la carrera en el GP de Bélgica nos han descalificado a todos los pilotos de los managers que estabamos online.
¿Qué es lo que ocurrió?
No sabemos por qué.
¿El problema ocurrió mientras usaba wi-fi, datos móviles o ambos?
¿El error se produjo en la app, en PC o en ambos?
¿Qué sistema operativo posee su PC?
Windows 10
¿En qué navegador ha experimentado el problema?
Vuestra App
¿Se puede reproducir el error?
Espero que no
Comentarios adicionales:

Sonya Tkachenko medal 5846 12 days ago
I have the same problem. I finished 1st and 2nd but in the classification I am 12th and 14th. Other players have the same problem, the results are not true.

Bruno Rodríguez medal 5906 12 days ago
Buenas, acabamos de correr en Spa en condiciones mixtas y nos ha descalificado a casi todos (habiendo usado varios compuestos).
iGP de Bélgica Resultados
Y en Pro
iGP de Bélgica Resultados
Incluso el orden de descalificación no es el orden en el que hemos llegado,
No se si tiene solución "automatizada", de no ser así, nos gustaría repetir el gran premio.
Por otro lado hemos perdido bastante fama, y varios de nuestros mánagers son TOP mundiales o de España, se recuperará?

Dj Vic medal 5391 12 days ago
Scusate, c'è modo di rivedere come è andata realmente la gara? l'ordine d'arrivo non corrisponde a come si è svolta la gara.
In gara ho vinto con pochissimo distacco dal secondo e dal terzo, ma nell'ordine d'arrivo è stato invertito il terzo col primo con distacchi di 8 /9 secondi, assicuro che non è andata proprio così. Potete controllare? Grazie

Javier Fernandez medal 5792 12 days ago
Esto no es serio, ya no son fiables ni los resultados.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 days ago
The issue has been caused by the rollout of the new cloud infrastructure. Your race was picked up in parallel by both the cloud server infrastructure *and* the old server system. This is why results do not resemble the race that took place, they have posted from the other server to the one you saw them on.
We can probably fix this quite easily. The results of the race you saw will still be on the other server. I just need the race ID and I'll see if they have posted and I can retreive them.

Massimo Mancini medal 5177 12 days ago
Exactly, i won the race but the results says i finished 9th

Валерий Степашин medal 5513 12 days ago
The issue has been caused by the rollout of the new cloud infrastructure. Your race was picked up in parallel by both the cloud server infrastructure *and* the old server system. This is why results do not resemble the race that took place, they have posted from the other server to the one you saw them on.
We can probably fix this quite easily. The results of the race you saw will still be on the other server. I just need the race ID and I'll see if they have posted and I can retreive them.

Sonya Tkachenko medal 5846 12 days ago
The issue has been caused by the rollout of the new cloud infrastructure. Your race was picked up in parallel by both the cloud server infrastructure *and* the old server system. This is why results do not resemble the race that took place, they have posted from the other server to the one you saw them on.
We can probably fix this quite easily. The results of the race you saw will still be on the other server. I just need the race ID and I'll see if they have posted and I can retreive them.
Check my race please https://igpmanager.com/app/d=result&id=69049675&tab=race

Guillermo DS medal 6044 12 days ago
But it is the wrong result.

Macs Monroy medal 5226 12 days ago
Hola! Me sumo viendo que tuvieron el mismo problema. Hoy iniciamos la carrera, cuando habían pasado 11 vueltas se cayó el servidor y al reingreso nos encontramos con la carrera reiniciando de cero, corrimos la carrera nuevamente está vez completa pero los resultados no son los que terminamos teniendo... parecería que los resultados provienen de la carrera inconclusa. Les pido si pueden cancelar los resultados de la misma o si no es posible que los resultados sean de la versión de la carrera completa.
Soy el administrador de la liga F1 FACTOR
Muchas gracias

S cargo medal 5507 12 days ago
Race results dont match i finished 1st and 2nd ended up 4th and 6th race ID 133593

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 days ago (Last edited by
Jack Basford 12 days ago)
Thanks, keep posting race IDs and I'll get to them all tonight. The overlap issue where races ran on two servers looks like it only occurred for about 30 minutes, so it likely impacted races falling between 15:00 and 16:00.
It also likely didn't impact all races in that period, only races where the duplicate race finished before the actual race.

Bruno Rodríguez medal 5906 12 days ago
But it is the wrong result.
Also the Pro category race was affected

Rogan Santiago medal 5455 12 days ago
Same problem. https://igpmanager.com/app/d=result&id=69119633

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 12 days ago
Hey managers,
Jack & Co keep working on it. We hope to restore the right results soon.
Thanks for your patience and understanding, this operation today is crucial to grant a responsive service permanently.

Manolo Pies de Plata medal 5803 11 days ago
Hi Jack! The ID of our race is this one: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=result&id=69107384&tier=3&tab=race

Massimo Mancini medal 5177 11 days ago
I m sorry guys..where can i find the race ID?