Andreas Beaver medal 5885 6 days ago
How do I correctly interpret the lines in the plug description?
Or how do I adjust the motor, for example? When does it make sense to set tire wear as a negative characteristic of the motor, rather when the display in the preview is on the very left or the very right? Thanks!

Red Craigie medal 5105 Super Mod 4 days ago
Sorry Andreas, I'm afraid I don't understand a few elements of the question.
What do you mean by the "plug" description?
As for when to adjust the engines traits. That's down to your judgement and your car build. There is no right or wrong answer.
Also sorry again but I don't understand what you mean when you say the display preview is on the very left or the very right. Although I think you might be asking about the tracks statistics (overtaking chances, road bumpiness, fuel consumption, tyre wear) and the bars that are displayed?

Andreas Beaver medal 5885 4 days ago
i mean race preview - 4 lines with tyres fuel road and overtake ....
example: tyres line is near to right means tyres wear are gigh on this track, right?
how can i counteract ? what to do with tyre wear high ( ok change tyres to donelot or so) but what else? more handling more brake more aero? same to overtake and road conditions, what best reactions here for line left or line right ( empty or fuel the lines i mean) thank u!

Red Craigie medal 5105 Super Mod 2 days ago
Ahh I see.
I'm not sure you really need to actively counteract anything. I view it as pure information.
Tyres will wear faster if tyre wear is high, but that will be the same for everyone. Does that mean that every point of TE has a greater impact? That's for a player to determine for themselves. The same goes for when fuel consumption is higher. you will use more litre's per lap. But again it's the same position for everyone and it's up to you to work out if it means improving your fuel efficiency is better.
For overtaking chances and road bumpiness, i've never paid much attention to them if I'm honest! I always assumed road bumpiness might be and indicator on what suspension setting might be needed, and overtaking chances informed me of the chances of natural overtakes. It's possible I have always been missing something however.
I pretty much ignore the charts and use my own logic based on my circuit knowledge. So for extreme's, Italy is a high speed track, so I consider acceleration as very important there (it is a strong stat so it's quite important at most tracks.), While hungary is one of the tracks with the lowest average speed, and lots of slower corners so I consider handling to be more important.
Not very helpful sorry, but it's the best I can give you.