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car design at new season...strange? normal? bug?

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medal 5000
8 years 115 days ago
this is my car for the new season
with TD
strength-> acceleration
weakness-> Braking
Acceleration -52- / Fuel Economy -40-
Braking -31- / Handling -40-
Cooling -60- / Reliability -40-
Downforce -10- / Tyre economy -40-

how is possible if my strength is Acceleration are 52, and cooling 60 ¿?¿?¿?¿
my weakness braking 31.... and downforce 10!¿?¿??

i've 2 weakness or what happens?
medal 5419 CEO & CTO
8 years 115 days ago
It is built across the entire season in the background by all designers you have throughout the season, not just the one at the time the car is released. The strengths and weaknesses of all designers is reflected.
medal 5088
8 years 115 days ago
It is built across the entire season in the background by all designers you have throughout the season, not just the one at the time the car is released. The strengths and weaknesses of all designers is reflected.

Cue trollface.jpg

Is this taking in account CDs who're in reserve? If so, I'd love to go all trollface and see what happens when I hire 8 CDs with strengths in each unique area and then have an equal number of CDs with weaknesses in those areas.
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