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trying to bid from one account, bids from the other account

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medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago (edited 8 years 113 days ago)
it happened twice, i think it's related somehow to my facebook account being logged.

well, i was searching for staff from one account but, when i decided to bid, i realized i ended bidding with the account i wasn't logged in. i ended bidding from first account.

i wasn't sure because i wasn't aware, but this morning i started searching for a driver, when i found one, i try to bid and the message saying i had no more tokens showed on my screen. the thing was that i was watching my 9 tokens and the system was trying to bid from my other account without tokens.
the account with 0 tokens is the one linked to my facebook. to solve the problem i had to use the incognito mode.

also we need some way to cancel after bidding ;)

thanks, and sorry my english guys, hope you understand this tricky issue.
medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
It's to do with browser cookies. You need to log out and open a new tab in your browser (close it to be totally sure) then log into the next account. I've had this a few times.
medal 5419 CEO & CTO
8 years 113 days ago
As Lee said, just refresh if you switch accounts. It's a known behaviour that we need to improve for people using multiple accounts, but it isn't a high priority right now.
medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
ok, perfect. i'll do that.

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