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Livery Editor - List of supported browsers

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medal 5439 CEO & CTO
8 years 118 days ago
The livery editor is the last piece of code from the original iGP launched in 2011 which is unchanged and still requires a plugin to run. The rest of the game has already been converted to HTML5 or WebGL meaning no plugins are required to access them. Most browsers are dropping support for browser plugins, which is why they have stopped working in many modern browsers.

We will rebuild the livery editor in WebGL at some point so that no plugins are required. Until then it will be required to have the Unity Web Player browser plugin installed to run the livery editor.

Download Unity Web Player

Supported Browsers
The Unity Web Player is supported by the following web browsers:
Internet Explorer (Recommended)
Opera (version 36 and older)
Firefox 32bit (version 52 and older)

Unsupported Browsers
Chrome: As of version 45, Chrome no longer supports the Unity Web Player.
Microsoft Edge: Microsofts new broswer, Edge, does not support the Unity Web Player.
Firefox 64bit
Firefox 32bit: As of Version 53 and newer
Opera (version 37 and newer)
Any browser running on the operating system Windows 8RT or Windows 8.1RT does not support the Unity Web Player
Mobile devices such as Android and iOS devices do not support the Unity Web Player
medal 5000
8 years 118 days ago
I'm still in the stone ages then with version 49 & it works with 64-bit Firefox
medal 5439 CEO & CTO
8 years 118 days ago
I'm still in the stone ages then with version 49 & it works with 64-bit Firefox

Really? Doesn't work in my 64-bit Firefox. Version 49.0.2.
medal 5000
8 years 118 days ago
I'm still in the stone ages then with version 49 & it works with 64-bit Firefox

Really? Doesn't work in my 64-bit Firefox. Version 49.0.2.

medal 5000
8 years 118 days ago
It still works it just doesn't look right
medal 5000
8 years 53 days ago
Please do hurry
medal 5000
8 years 53 days ago
Please do hurry

Still working in old machines. Firefox - win XP. I know i know lol, but i bet is working in Firefox - win7. ;)
medal 5439 CEO & CTO
8 years 53 days ago
The livery editor may not be ported until after mobile launch. Sadly it's a case of priorities with such a small dev team. We can only focus on one project at a time, so some things like this end up shelved for quite a while, you could call them non-essential features.

It's much more important to the bigger picture that we get all platforms online and other essential features. Also, before anyone thinks "but you're adding non-essential stuff to the web app!" - different developers work on different projects. If you see me adding non-essential stuff to the web pages it isn't related to the viewer/livery editor developers who have a different timeline and set of projects to work on.
medal 5000
7 years 319 days ago
probably a stupid question but would the idea of whether or not it has been ported be why the livery editor is not working for me on Firefox I have no clue what version I have or how to figure out which one I have of it
medal 5088
7 years 319 days ago
It does work on Firefox, if you have an older version, I think.
medal 5320
7 years 319 days ago
Charles, if you click on help/about on the top menu of firefox it will tell you which version you have
medal 5000
7 years 318 days ago
Works with this version of firefox 32 bit only: 51.0b9 (32-bit) uninstall 52+ version and install this one
go to options advanced updates and disable updates
medal 5000
7 years 316 days ago
I have version 52 of Firefox 32 bit and its not working and if I try to put the plug in into Firefox it talks about it being corrupted even if I just had downloaded it
medal 5000
7 years 316 days ago
Okie dokie

Version 52 no longer supports some plugins but they are doing extended support for people that are not yet ready up until early 2018

Find details here and link to extender:

Important: The Windows 64-bit version of Firefox 52 ESR only supports the Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight plugins. If you also need support for Java or other plugins, choose the Windows (32-bit) download.
medal 5000
7 years 303 days ago
I have problem in Internet Explorer and Mozilla too...It´s loading unity and when it´s loaded it shows black screen with something white in the middle...then came white screen with some tools but no car, no liveries ...nothing just two or three black things...mouse have black background and nothing working...sorry for my english
medal 5000
7 years 297 days ago
Forever waiting for this Livery Update..
medal 5000
7 years 297 days ago
i use safari... open unity.... do livery.... save, but don't save it.
medal 5439 CEO & CTO
7 years 297 days ago
Forever waiting for this Livery Update..

The new WebGL livery editor is not being actively worked on at the moment. Everyone is working on optimisation and bug fixes. We want to get the service as stable as possible before we start adding new features again. I believe work will resume on it this week, though.

i use safari... open unity.... do livery.... save, but don't save it.
medal 5000
7 years 246 days ago
bonjour, toujours pas de nouvelle pour l'editeur de livrée des voiture??
medal 5000
7 years 242 days ago
When will that release update to be able to edit the car by the app? Really? Have not yet been able to do so?
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