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Car Compatibility

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medal 5000
8 years 105 days ago
The number of stars just doesn't measure up correctly.

Doubling my car ratings would equal 5 stars!
medal 5088
8 years 105 days ago
Not exactly....
medal 5000
8 years 105 days ago
not exactly but if what i have equals 2 and half add the same again means 5

This is 5 stars and it shouldn't be a car with everything at 85+ should be 5stars

The points that make up the stars must be put off by the new changes in car attributes
medal 5000
8 years 105 days ago
The star rating is the compatibility of your strength and weaknesses in relation between your own car stats and the track.

This rating is meaningless i guess. It only tells, that the designpoints you have spend so far, are at the correct attributes for this track.
medal 5419 CEO & CTO
8 years 104 days ago
You could call it meaningless, or it could be helpful, it depends what you are trying to find out. As the tooltip next to it says, this is not how strong your car is versus your opponents or even how fast it will be. It's simply how closely aligned the strengths of your car are to the characteristics of the track.
medal 5000
8 years 104 days ago
But some attributes got their impacts lowered and others got theirs raised the stars are showing higher than they should be??
medal 5000
8 years 102 days ago
I'm up to 4stars now

medal 5000
8 years 102 days ago
I'm up to 4stars now

this just mean, that your design points relative to each other suits the track better, than the track before. If you have every rating at 100, it also wouldnt show 5 stars ;-)
medal 5000
8 years 102 days ago (edited 8 years 102 days ago)
I would like to think 100 everywhere = 5stars
Acceleration, Braking, Handling & Downforce are the only things to do with stars in my opinion.

Reliability & Cooling turned away up now on the other hand would mean something to the stars, as the car might breakdown doing 66laps.
Fuel & Tyre economy should have little or no noticeable difference to stars, as they are capable of completing the track at zero

A car with this

Gives the same star rating as a car with this

So cooling & reliability currently have no say on the stars.

This is what I think of the track:

Likely wrong but when is I ever right
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