Jay Andrews medal 5000 8 years 101 days ago
I opened one of my legacy teams which was at level 3 and hired a driver from transfer list. My legacy drivers trained normally but the transfer driver trained as if it had red stars, 3%, even though it showed 2.5 stars. Tried again after running a race and the same problem occurred. Tried a different transfer driver and the same problem remained.
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5088 8 years 101 days ago
Have you performed a CTRL + R or CTRL + F5 refresh?
Jay Andrews medal 5000 8 years 101 days ago
I just tried that but same problem remains
Jack Basford medal 5419
CEO & CTO 8 years 101 days ago
Can't be trained at all or just slowly? Can you let me know the user so I can try it for myself?
Eloy Gutierrez medal 5000 8 years 101 days ago (edited 8 years 101 days ago)
jack , this is the account
It just trains slowly as if it had red stars.
Jay Andrews medal 5000 8 years 100 days ago
Still broken. Third transfer driver tried.
Eloy Gutierrez medal 5000 8 years 98 days ago
Still can only train my two star driver at 4% per try.
Jack Basford medal 5419
CEO & CTO 8 years 97 days ago
Hi Jay, just has a look and it's because of the age of the driver. As drivers get older they perform much worse in training, and this driver is 41.
I've given you 10 Tokens to heal your driver(s) after my test.
Jay Andrews medal 5000 8 years 97 days ago (edited 8 years 97 days ago)
I tried four different drivers and they all did this. but unfortunately I didn't notice the age of any of them.
On today's list 14 of the drivers were over the age of 35 and only three were under the age of 29. That's not good.