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Experience doesn't improve after several training

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medal 5000
8 years 100 days ago
Well, some time ago I hired a young driver from my youth academy. His attributes weren't too good, but his Talent is 9 so I decided to hire him as a reserve driver to train him as much as possible to convert him in a principal driver.

So, the problem is that I trained him a lot to the point that he passed from 3 (or 3 and a half I can't remember) stars to 4 and a half, which is, in my opinion, good enough.

But now have a look at this attributes:

Everything is above ten except "Experience"... I trained him a lot specially Mental and Physical, but couldn't improve experience. Is this normal?

Regards :)
medal 5000
8 years 100 days ago
I thought experience only increased by doing races, shouldn't matter how much his skills increase, if he is not driving, hes not learning/gaining experience.
medal 5000
8 years 100 days ago (edited 8 years 100 days ago)
I'm fairly sure that experience increases per race even when the driver is not racing. He is racing only three times per week and it can take up to ten races to increase by one level.
Jack has posted that Staff experience increases by .1 per race. I think that applies to Academy drivers as well.
medal 5000
8 years 100 days ago
I'm fairly sure that experience increases per race even when the driver is not racing. He is racing only three times per week and it can take up to ten races to increase by one level.
Jack has posted that Staff experience increases by .1 per race. I think that applies to Academy drivers as well.

this is nice to know :)
medal 5000
8 years 100 days ago
I'm fairly sure that experience increases per race even when the driver is not racing. He is racing only three times per week and it can take up to ten races to increase by one level.
Jack has posted that Staff experience increases by .1 per race. I think that applies to Academy drivers as well.

That makes sense. Thank you, and thank you James :)
medal 5419 CEO & CTO
8 years 100 days ago
Experience increases by 0.1 per race, but not by training.
medal 5000
8 years 100 days ago
wow really, my drivers would be hitting retirement age by the time there experienced.
medal 5088
8 years 99 days ago
wow really, my drivers would be hitting retirement age by the time there experienced.

Then invest in YDA drivers. I don't think I've ever seen drivers with no resume have less than 2 or 3 in experience. With 18 points remaining to get to 20, it'd take 10 1/2 seasons, or 180 races at most to see a driver with 20 experience. I have a 30 year old driver on my team for 176 races and he hit 20 experience a long time ago.
medal 5000
8 years 99 days ago
They are from my yda lol
medal 5000
8 years 99 days ago
Three levels of experience in two seasons. That's pretty fast. Drivers only age one year per season.
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