Ayrton Senna medal 5000 8 years 100 days ago
i don't have any notifications of his contract come to an end...nothing.
and now see that i lost my TD and now have a 0 star and level2 TD...disaster.....
how can i get back him?
how can i see my old staff like the old igp?
Jack Basford medal 5419
CEO & CTO 8 years 100 days ago
Hi N, this is a rare bug which I have also experienced but I have not been able to understand why it happens yet. It only happens sometimes, and most of the time it does not. It happened with my CD, but not my TD... no good explanation for why, even after looking at the code. It's one of those strange things that is hard to track down.
I'll give you 15 tokens so you can buy some new staff and get an investment to cover the cash cost. I've also PM'd you a link to your old TD if you want to buy the same one.
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5088 8 years 100 days ago (edited 8 years 100 days ago)
I can confirm this happened with my CD just a few hours ago (3:51 GMT). Fortunately I keep all my staff on my shortlist so if they are fired, I get a message from the System notifying me that they've become a free agent.
I had to quickly re-hire my CD, fortunately he was not available on the Transfers list and an auction had not begun.
I also hired a 5-star Doctor to my B-team. After discovering the doctor was just let go from Tjerk's Junior teams, I've messaged that particular Junior team to arrange a return purchase. I believe this doctor was let go unintentionally due to this bug.
T Ingroville medal 5000 8 years 93 days ago
I might have just had the same problem but only just realized this. On my B team my chief designer left and I don't remember his contract being up, I also placed a bid for a new CD and it looks like my bid is stuck? Its showing my name in the initial round but its not counting down? I believe its been a few days since the auction started too so I should have either lost or won.