Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 55 days ago
This is for Jack
I have spoken to you about this before but never really go to the bottom of the reason.
On the league page in the rookie section there is the name of one manager (even although the race is on and there are 5 managers competing).
No names in either pro or elite.
As I said before there should either be all the names or no names.
How is the information gathered for the page - cause its not doing it right - imo

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 13 years 54 days ago
Agreed. Makes it difficult to know whether to change leagues at the end of your season or not.

Marius Golombeck medal 5000 13 years 54 days ago
Hey Jake,
the problem seems to occur when the first race in the season hasn't been done yet, so the season is yet to begin. The amount of managers is displayed correctly, while only the Managers who have newly joined the league in the season-break appear in the list with their names. It looks back to normal now, as the first race of the season is done.
iGP Manager Support

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 53 days ago
Yes it always sorts itself out after the first race - but it is very messy before that - nobody knows who they are competing against.
How do you set spies etc?
It is a bit odd if only new managers are displayed and not ones who have already competed.
Thanks for the reply Marius

Dean Boy medal 5000 13 years 53 days ago
there is a way of checking, as i wondered too...
go to design, and see who you can 'spy' on for first race....it says how is joined up in your league