Right now, if you want to access race data from previous seasons you can't do it. So it would be good to have some way to do that. It would also be good to see race data from previous seasons from leagues that are not your own.
probably not....but i'd like to have a way to export data if it doesn't require much coding time (i like data analising to improve myself and i can't do it right now)
....but i'd like to have a way to export data if it doesn't require much coding time (i like data analising to improve myself and i can't do it right now)
I'd like it too (if it would be possible in the future).
If you want to see what you did at a track last season or what a opponent that beat you did last season or what the better players at other leagues did at that track in previous seasons you might want to do this. Old GP provided this data New IGP does not. If access to this data was provided there would be very little reason to have the ability to export. It just depends on which is easier. The ability to export or the previous season race data for every league.
The data is provided for races since the switch over, for the current race. However, I'd like something to export, too. I'd also like to be able to look at the strengths and weaknesses of all the races at the same time, so I can pre-plan my design focus - as I've not yet had time to manually copy out all of that information...
like Alexis said it is there Jay what you do is when you go to next race click on Circuit Data and go to My History and the previous season results are there if you click on the driver it should pop up what their strategy was