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Temp is alway 50F

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medal 5156
8 years 40 days ago
Last few weeks i have noticed that no matter what the projected weather is air temp is always 50F.

Today i am getting ready for a race in Germany, projected temp for today was a high in the 20'sF, but still 50.

medal 5320
8 years 40 days ago
Because we race through the winter there is a minimum race temp in the game of 10 deg C.
medal 5000
8 years 40 days ago
@Vincent : This is not a bug, the minimal temperature (or cap) is 50F = 10C in IGP to avoid problems in weather with very low temperature, just imagine a race at 32F or less (0C).
medal 5156
8 years 40 days ago
Ah, ok. Makes sense. Thanks
medal 5422 CEO & CTO
8 years 40 days ago
It's an unwritten rule, but yep, that's why. At one stage we actually had snow and sub-zero temperatures in the game but that weather was a bit too "live" for everyone's taste.
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