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Driver trains extremely slowly

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medal 5000
8 years 36 days ago
Hi all,

I recently purchased a new driver who has alright stats, and I have since been trying to train him to make his driving better. However, whenever I do so, he trains by about 5%, and takes up about 17 health. It's been happening everyday for the past 5 days. Is this supposed to happen?
medal 5000
8 years 36 days ago
Hmm, to have at least some answer: Your driver is 40 so I'd guess this is intended and due to his age. But someone more experienced will have to answer this to be sure.
medal 5088
8 years 35 days ago
Daniel's got the meat of it covered.

As a driver gets older, the more difficult it is for them to improve. At 40 years old, his progress for each time you click 'Train' will be an incredibly slow crawl.

Training your driver, however, shouldn't be consuming 17% health. The number of stars your team's doctor has relative to your manager level affects how efficiently a driver is able to train.

Here's Jack's announcement from around 3 months ago about this:

For faster progress, keep an eye out for younger drivers that you can hire. Ideally someone with a low signing fee as they will need to be replaced rather quickly as you level up from the lower levels. The younger they are (lowest age is 17), the more progress they make each time they train.
medal 5000
8 years 35 days ago
Thank you all for your replies. Extremely helpful.
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