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Ghost bid's loss of Tokens

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medal 5000
8 years 30 days ago
I ve bid on a staff that i didn't get finally and it seems i ve pressed the button 3 times 27 tokens loss.
Not sure why but it seems that staff was Ghost meaning someone had him before i do but my bids counted.
medal 5422 CEO & CTO
8 years 29 days ago
Hi Pery, thanks for reporting this. I'm just going to go through what the data shows, please correct it if anything is off.

* At 2017-01-15 22:59:39 you bid on one entity taking your Tokens from 93 to 84.
* A minute or so later (at 2017-01-15 23:00:51), you bid on another entitiy, three bids were placed simultaneously as you describe but your Token count only declined from 84 to 66 (-18 tokens). Assuming you actually got the entity in question, then it suggests you only lost 9 Tokens more than expected

We will get your tokens back, I'm just trying to work out how many and what happened first. :)
medal 5000
8 years 29 days ago
yes i did a bit on staff that i got normally and went down from 93 to 84.
A bit later i did bid on other staff. The bid didn't go on so i ve pressed the button 3 times i guess.
I am saying 3 times and loss of 27 because now i have 57 tokens and i didn't get the staff (84-57=27)
I don't have information for the staff i was biding if you can see maybe can confirm that was taken from someone else the time i was doing my bids.
I am not saying this for the tokens just looking for the cause and solution for the future.
medal 5422 CEO & CTO
8 years 29 days ago
I've given you 27 Tokens.

I appreciate that you aren't doing it for tokens and only wanted to get to the bottom of what happened and how so we can avoid it happening again. Do you know how it was placed 3 times? Did you click 3 times? Did it freeze for a moment? Were you placing a bid in the final second of the auction? Any more information you could provide would really help. Thanks.
medal 5000
8 years 29 days ago
The bid was not on last moment as the bids were for 9 tokens and not for 1.
I was on staff screen and pressed the bid button didn't do anything and pressed again 2 times but nothing.
i closed the window to reopen but the staff was there for a sec the screen refreshed was not there anymore and then noticed tokens loss.
medal 5422 CEO & CTO
8 years 29 days ago
Thanks for the info, we'll discuss it internally and see if we can come up with something.
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