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Drivers & Staff talent

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medal 5000
8 years 37 days ago
I'd love to see the drivers (or staff) talent straight away in the transfers. I think the current one - placing your mouse on top of the stars for every driver to see their talent takes a lot of time and is fustrating. This model was used in the old iGP, and it was truly wonderful.
medal 5000
8 years 33 days ago
I've a question about drivers talent. It's been 5 different drivers with the same star rate but with better talent than my current driver and they've never beaten him.
I've found the reason, it's because of the stamina skill. But to me, it would be logical that for a same star rate the driver with better talent should be better.
It would appear has a game logic because because it's the only skill you can't train.
With my 2 current drivers, one is four times as talented as the other and he still finishes behind....
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