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History of tyre age during live race

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medal 5000
8 years 15 days ago
Hi guys,
I noticed that after pitting, when I look at how old where mine or my competitors' tyres, I see just simply "1" which is not correct as shown in the picture.
Is it just me or is there a bug?

Picture here.

medal 5000
8 years 15 days ago
it's a bug, and it's not just one. tyres history is showing 1 for many teams, depending where the pit box is.
for some drivers, age show +1 or -1 laps did with the actual tyres.

Jack and the team have been working on more important things, i think they already know about this but, there are more important things for them to focus on. so, be patient, the game is getting better and better, they will fix this too as soon as they can.

cheers ;)
medal 5000
8 years 14 days ago
No problem, sounds good! It is not a big deal at all.
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