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freezing and sound issues

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medal 5000
8 years 11 days ago
everylap the sim pauses then fast forwards. Also doesn't respong to commands like changes in fuel when it happens.

Also when closing browser (Edge on Win10) the sounds of the sim continue in the background unless I close ALL my browser windows
medal 5000
8 years 11 days ago
Yes, we had it in Singapore and few days ago in Monza, the game freezing 2-3 times every lap the whole race.

This time round in Singapore, I changed my strategy. To be sure i shanged it in settings at the top and as it doesn't change along right away in the bottom of the screen (still), also down there. I ended up with the fuel that was set originally. Same seemed to happen for Simon.

I did notice that the lap estimate for the driver that didnt get his fuel right, appeared to be wrong in the settings menu for the first 2 stints. Basically what it usually says at the start of the race when the guestimate is somewhere around 80ish.
medal 5000
8 years 11 days ago

We're aware of the freezing issue. At the moment we're working on improving capacity so it doesn't happen. A solution should be rolled out in the next few days.

(that's from Ricky Marcangelo SIM DEV)

this is what i have found on one of them (feb 3)
Guys, there are many threads talking about the same. we have to search a little more before creating new forums ;)
medal 5000
8 years 8 days ago
We've got an infrastructure update on the way to address it. Not long to go, just a few days. We were testing it today and it's all working, now we're waiting on some certificates before it's all validated for live use.
(from other thread)

good news are coming guys ;)
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