Gary Collyer medal 5000 8 years 8 days ago
Bug - team multiplying after yesterdays race, now multiplied some more to 6 teams after todays race, what the hell :D
think i saw 3 Tjerk's before todays race maybe 4 but now 6 of the same team....
if it multiplies even more after 2moro's final race then people may be relegated despite only being 9 teams, well 9 proper teams anyway.
Jack Basford medal 5422 CEO & CTO 8 years 8 days ago
When did it start multiplying? Also, should all the points be combined or is only one of the tallies correct? I'll have to update it by hand.
Gary Collyer medal 5000 8 years 8 days ago
Was yesterday's race at 6pm(Sunday) when u had that glitch for certain time on that day so the race results were crazy with multiple of the same driver finishing in different positions.
I honestly don't know how many points he should have and I doubt he is bothered only brought it up because if it multiplies again it may relegate someone it shouldn't.
Jack Basford medal 5422 CEO & CTO 8 years 8 days ago
I've tried to edit the standings to be correct now, let me know if anything else needs to change.