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Does Talent affect the drivers' driving ability?

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8 years 19 days ago
I am level 11 and I have a question:Does Talent affect the drivers' driving ability?
Because my first driver is higher in Driving ability,Mental,and Physical than the second driver but my second driver still finishes ahead of my first driver
btw:1st driver:Talent:1
2nd driver:Talent:10
8 years 19 days ago
Yes it does. Talent is added to all the other category scores, so talent is the absolute most important stat.
8 years 18 days ago
Thanks mate.
8 years 18 days ago
I am level 11 and I have a question:Does Talent affect the drivers' driving ability?
Because my first driver is higher in Driving ability,Mental,and Physical than the second driver but my second driver still finishes ahead of my first driver
btw:1st driver:Talent:1
2nd driver:Talent:10

hoover the mouse on the various attributes of the Driver profile, it will tell u the specific attributes features, eg below for the composure
8 years 18 days ago
Cheers mate
7 years 295 days ago
Yes it does. Talent is added to all the other category scores, so talent is the absolute most important stat.

So, just to confirm. If I have a driver with Talent 10, and Attacking 10, his total Attacking is the same as another driver with Talent 5 and Attacking 15?

They would both be 20 for attacking?

And this score is added to ALL the other categories or just the Driving Skills?
7 years 295 days ago
Yes it does. Talent is added to all the other category scores, so talent is the absolute most important stat.

So, just to confirm. If I have a driver with Talent 10, and Attacking 10, his total Attacking is the same as another driver with Talent 5 and Attacking 15?

They would both be 20 for attacking?

And this score is added to ALL the other categories or just the Driving Skills?

I just want to add that I was looking at my drivers and noticed something off with this. One driver is 8 or 9 for everything, but talent of 2. The other driver is talent of 9 but 5 or 6 for everything. Adding talent to the attributes would mean the high talented driver is more skilled in every single area, but she is routinely about 3 tenths slower than the low talent driver. Strange.
7 years 295 days ago
need balanced for every attribute, simply having talent high or any other attribute high is not sufficient, till level 10 the driving ability is more important what i think, beyond that the talent and stamina plays a huge role in drivers performance along with other attributes performance.
that's my view
7 years 295 days ago
Clayton I think the only reason L. Brundle is faster than A. Brown is because he has higher Experience and Stamina, Talent has no impact on them attributes.
7 years 295 days ago
I don't think Talent is literally added to the other skills but acts as a multiplicator of some sorts. That would explain why low level drivers with very high talent often are even slower than low talent but higher skilled driver of similar level but once level approaches the talent value it really kicks in since now the other skills have a value talent can really act on. But that's just guess work and I haven't read a dev post about this yet.
7 years 295 days ago
I tend to think on Talent as the racing line higher their talent the more likely they are to stay on it, we only have one line in the race viewer but if we had multiple lines, I'm sure we would see different entries and exits through corners.
7 years 295 days ago
Sounds right, just like the ability to naturally 'read' the tyres and track to gain that little bit of extra grip/speed.
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