Jack Basford medal 5424
CEO & CTO 7 years 347 days ago
This update should make it much easier to track your bids.
See a preview on Facebook.
In other news, we're currently working hard on the apps and expect to announce the exact release date next week.
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5088 7 years 346 days ago
Hopefully the release date will not be April 1st :)
Brandon Snyder medal 5000 7 years 346 days ago
Oh man. That would be a horrible April Fools joke to pull on us Jack. Please don't do that I have waited so long for the apps release.
Jack Basford medal 5424
CEO & CTO 7 years 346 days ago
I'm pretty confident it will be in March. We will announce the exact date next week. Once this week is out we should have a good idea of how long is left exactly. Some important tests and patches are going on right now, and the exact launch date depends on how much time they take up.
Hrithik Dhongadi medal 5000 7 years 338 days ago
ONE WEEK IS DONE>>>>> When is the exact date of release?
Jack Basford medal 5424
CEO & CTO 7 years 338 days ago
It was announced on Facebook and Twitter. March 22nd. :)
I will send out a clearer announcement in the game.