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17 Teams in Elite League

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medal 5000
7 years 339 days ago
Hi Folks,

So, I think down to the fact we had a player join the league on the last race day who couldn't race, we have 17 teams starting our new season?

We have 3 teams signaled for relegation

This doesnt bother me, but I just want to make sure that races will run OK with 17, two car teams?
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 338 days ago
It will run okay, but I see how that happened... interesting scenario. Maybe I should lock joining a league while the last race of the season is ongoing.
medal 5000
7 years 338 days ago (edited 7 years 338 days ago)
It will run okay, but I see how that happened... interesting scenario. Maybe I should lock joining a league while the last race of the season is ongoing.

Hi Jack,

Just to clarify, he didnt join during the race. He joined during the day, but had raced at 20:00 the night before, 23hrs before the start of our race. As a result he couldnt race in our last race.

I am guess this stopped something from flagging or similar?
medal 5000
7 years 338 days ago
Good to know it will run OK :D
medal 5000
7 years 338 days ago
Oh, Oh, follow on question......

BRL is normally pretty full and active...

What happens if the Pro tear is 16 teams at the end of the season and 3 teams get relegated from Elite in an attempt to balance that tier?

3 are currently marked for relegation!?
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