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Car Livery not changing?

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medal 5000
7 years 338 days ago
I tried to change my livery and I uploaded my changes and it doesn't change after reloading the page and waiting for a hour.
medal 5000
7 years 338 days ago
Take a day or two for it to change, but it will be changed already in the race viewer
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 338 days ago
What's it supposed to look like? I see your current livery as white with an orange stripe. Try clearing cache if that's not what you see. Although, having said that, the modified time of the image is "13 January 2017 06:59:43", so unlikely to be the one you want.

Try saving it again and keeping the website open for 30 seconds.
medal 5000
7 years 338 days ago
What's it supposed to look like? I see your current livery as white with an orange stripe. Try clearing cache if that's not what you see. Although, having said that, the modified time of the image is "13 January 2017 06:59:43", so unlikely to be the one you want.

Try saving it again and keeping the website open for 30 seconds.

Whenever I open Livery Editor it now shows my new livery but when I "Upload Changes" and go off it and reload it shows my old livery... (I did clear cache and keep the website open for 2 minutes)
medal 5000
7 years 337 days ago
I have the same problem... two days ago I have changed the livery, uploaded the changes more times, but it still doesn't work, either in the race or in the cars section.
Another problem that I encountered just this morning is that unity web player doesn't work anymore to me; now it tells me to install it, but I had already installed it and always worked until this morning, so I tried to reinstall it but still doesn't work. What's going on?
medal 5000
7 years 337 days ago
I think I know what it is....

Mozilla had said before they were going the same route as Chrome etc and blocking NPAPI plugins etc, maybe the latest release has taken this step :(

"Support will end for all NPAPI plugins except for Flash in March 2017, when Firefox version 52 is released."
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