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More In-Depth Development System

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medal 5000
7 years 346 days ago
So, I created a league with about 10 friends of mine. We're all extremely active, (almost everyone does their setup each race) and we all try to spectate each race, it's a ton of fun. However, come end season, we were severely disappointed at the fact you can't really control your next seasons car development besides looking at the strength/weakness of your designer. I remember playing the old game briefly and remember a really nice development system where you could assign staff to different parts of your car, next season, spying, etc. Why was all of this cut???? It makes the game so much less fun for a active, competitive league like this one. Why was this cut and dumbed down so extensively? I'd love to have it back, and instead of arcadey 'design points' why not have the part development system of last version.

On a side note, how come no prize money is handed out end season?
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