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Races Didnt Start

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medal 5000
7 years 334 days ago
Hi folks,

just before 7pm i lost access to the site.

now I have access again races in the British Racing League havent started.
medal 5350
7 years 334 days ago
it's happening for IGP Champions as well, not just the series your in, there's people that play this game everyday, having a race not starting, aka not having the go to race button show up, is just crazy.
medal 5000
7 years 334 days ago
The rookie race is running for us, just not the pro and elite.

everything went down mid way through qualification, so I am guessing the rookie quali was successfully run before something broke.
medal 5350
7 years 334 days ago
None of the tiers for IGP Champions are running, so there must be a serious bug in the system.
medal 5000
7 years 333 days ago
Sorry guys, I know its a Saturday night and all, but any update?

Training etc is still locked, quali or race never ran for Pro or Elite. I need to be able to let the league know whats happening tomorrow with the race.
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 333 days ago
Sorry for the late response. It will be the same for everyone in the same league. I've postponed the races to run in the next slot. We are looking into the cause of the downtime, although I wouldn't rule out a simple outage on Azure. Those things can happen sometimes. I believe it was a few weeks ago Amazon had server issues across the whole network and several major websites were totally offline for a long time. When the service provider has issues it gets passed on to everyone on the service.
medal 5000
7 years 333 days ago
Sorry for the late response. It will be the same for everyone in the same league. I've postponed the races to run in the next slot. We are looking into the cause of the downtime, although I wouldn't rule out a simple outage on Azure. Those things can happen sometimes. I believe it was a few weeks ago Amazon had server issues across the whole network and several major websites were totally offline for a long time. When the service provider has issues it gets passed on to everyone on the service.

Thanks Jack.

Do we know if the race will run tonight?
medal 5000
7 years 333 days ago
oops, just saw your reply in the league page :D
medal 5000
7 years 333 days ago
Hey Jack
Today the Pro race is running in the BRL but the Rookie isn't :-(
You can get to the Race Viewer loading screen but it just says Still Connecting for ever or Problem Connecting, Please Reload
medal 5000
7 years 333 days ago
Sorry for the late response. It will be the same for everyone in the same league. I've postponed the races to run in the next slot. We are looking into the cause of the downtime, although I wouldn't rule out a simple outage on Azure. Those things can happen sometimes. I believe it was a few weeks ago Amazon had server issues across the whole network and several major websites were totally offline for a long time. When the service provider has issues it gets passed on to everyone on the service.

Hi Jack,

What Alasdair said.

They Pro and Elite race ran as expected, but Rookie doesnt show either last night or tonights result?
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 332 days ago
I have run some results from China, which appear to be from yesterday going from the time they were created on the server. Hopefully this keeps everyone happy.
medal 5000
7 years 332 days ago
I think it should :)

medal 5000
7 years 324 days ago
I have run some results from China, which appear to be from yesterday going from the time they were created on the server. Hopefully this keeps everyone happy.

HI Jack. BRL didn't start again tonight :(

Can you reset it for tomorrow night?
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