samori3 Rhoden1 medal 5000 7 years 354 days ago
wen the game is coming out on Wednesday march 22 2017

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 354 days ago
The release date is set in stone but no specific time of day is provided.
Just be patient, less than 24 hours than launch :)

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 7 years 354 days ago
iOS release may be a little later than Android. We found some last minute issues with the previous build and submitted a new one quite last-minute, so we're now waiting for them to approve it. This could in theory mean iOS won't be ready until tomorrow if they delay in reviewing it, but we've done everything we can to get it ready for today. We're labelling the first release a "Beta" version on the splash screen, since we're aware it may have teething problems on some devices, but we will address anything that shows up quickly, within the weeks after launch.
Either way, I expect at the very earliest for the launch to be very late in the day in Europe. In Canada... To answer your question then, I guess that would be in the evening at the earliest.
Might as well just draw a line in the sand and make it clear to everyone that it won't be available early in the day. :)