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iGP Manager - Now on Google Play

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medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 329 days ago
Fashionably late... but still the 22nd in America!

iOS launch will follow as soon as it is ready. We hit some last minute snags with the review process and are waiting for Apple to approve it.
medal 5000
7 years 329 days ago
I absolutely hate apps that don't have an exit function if you pressed back enough times, especially from title screen.
There is no benefit to this app running in background when you've finished what you're doing, and therefore no reason for there not to be a close option.

Otherwise, so far on Galaxy S6, looks great and works great, yet to find much that isn't doing what its meant to.
medal 5000
7 years 329 days ago
Can we Attend Races in apps?
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 329 days ago
Can we Attend Races in apps?

Yes. That is the main point of the app, to attend races anywhere, any time.

Thanks for the feedback Brendan, we will get that added as soon as possible. As it says on the splash page, this is a beta essentially, and we'll be responding to feedback quickly over the next few weeks. There are also a few bugs on some devices we want to resolve first.
medal 5000
7 years 329 days ago
Can we Attend Races in apps?

Yes. That is the main point of the app, to attend races anywhere, any time.

Then what do you mean by telling that there is no casual race system in the app?

medal 5000
7 years 329 days ago
I can't see forum button on the menu at the app, it was same I think on the mobile browser as well.
can you check it pls
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 329 days ago
I can't see forum button on the menu at the app, it was same I think on the mobile browser as well.
can you check it pls

This is intentional. Currently we don't have a way to launch links to the web browser from inside the app. We also saw no purpose for it when anyone can go to the website in the browser and access the forum. It's not normal to have such a link inside an app because it closes the app and likely ends the session.
medal 5000
7 years 329 days ago
Can we Attend Races in apps?

Yes. That is the main point of the app, to attend races anywhere, any time.

Then what do you mean by telling that there is no casual race system in the app?
Additional to the league races there are casual races planned, like between friends or some forums competition. They (probably) have no positive or negative effects towards the team and you can do more than one race per day. Those additional races are not yet ready, the viewer however is already build in to attend the league races.
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 329 days ago
I see that statement could have been misleading. I mean that you can manage from anywhere, when the races are going in this version. Casual races are not included, but are planned for a future update to the website/app.
medal 5000
7 years 328 days ago
Hi Jack,

Quick question, when spectating should we be able to see the time screens?

Also, as a recommendation, can you change the font colour? not sure if its just me, it was white and almost impossible to read?

Viewer its self though looks very slick and smooth! I like it :D
medal 5000
7 years 328 days ago
Also, is it going to portrait only?

I am using a Samsung Galaxy S5
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 328 days ago
Our mobile app is portrait, our tablet and desktop apps are landscape.

Font colour is actually being worked on as we speak. The background behind it is meant to be dark, not light.
medal 5000
7 years 328 days ago

Thanks for the updates :)

*wonder will it run on my old Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 :D
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 328 days ago
Yes, it will. My sister has one of those and it works fine. :)
medal 5000
7 years 328 days ago
Brilliant, thanks...

*cant reply to this thread with the same account twice...
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 328 days ago
It's okay, it makes the threads look really populated. :)
medal 5000
7 years 327 days ago
I am running app on my Galaxy S7. Problem with portrait is that fuel consumption and tyre wear info from practice laps is truncated. ie fuel/lap 2.1... could be anything from 2.10 to 2.19 Makes a difference. It might help if I could rotate to landscape but app does not allow this.
medal 5000
7 years 326 days ago
I am running app on my Galaxy S7. Problem with portrait is that fuel consumption and tyre wear info from practice laps is truncated. ie fuel/lap 2.1... could be anything from 2.10 to 2.19 Makes a difference. It might help if I could rotate to landscape but app does not allow this.

I even can't see the points in the standings and league..
It shows "4..." when its actually 447..
How can we come to know the points in portrait..!? :(
medal 5000
7 years 325 days ago
I can't see forum button on the menu at the app, it was same I think on the mobile browser as well.
can you check it pls

This is intentional. Currently we don't have a way to launch links to the web browser from inside the app. We also saw no purpose for it when anyone can go to the website in the browser and access the forum. It's not normal to have such a link inside an app because it closes the app and likely ends the session.

Oh ok Thanks
medal 5000
7 years 325 days ago
I am running app on my Galaxy S7. Problem with portrait is that fuel consumption and tyre wear info from practice laps is truncated. ie fuel/lap 2.1... could be anything from 2.10 to 2.19 Makes a difference. It might help if I could rotate to landscape but app does not allow this.

I even can't see the points in the standings and league..
It shows "4..." when its actually 447..
How can we come to know the points in portrait..!? :(

#1. Same for me, and not only points but also the Fuel & Tyre wear % per lap during Practice Session as well,
edit#1: In browser version as well it was there which was corrected, but the points are still the same, but we are having provision of rotating the screen and check the points where as in APP the rotation facility is not there so ...
#2. Also the Top right corner box for the team position during live race is also a miss I understand this might be due to space constraint.
#3. Yesterday attended the First live race on app, was wondering is there any feasibility of KERS'ing both cars simultaneously as we can do on desktop/ laptop sites by S & K.
#4. the chat conversation is in white color which merges with background so we can't read what discussion goin on during race
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