dan ruglio medal 5000 7 years 350 days ago
Could you check what's happening?
Our next race should be in Brazil, instead, 'next race' is showing Abu Dhabi.

dan ruglio medal 5000 7 years 350 days ago
<img src="https://s29.postimg.org/wnaug46gn/where_is_brazil.jpg" />

Tim Ingroville medal 5000 7 years 350 days ago
Yes also showing for monday too not tonight :s

Joey McLane medal 5000 7 years 350 days ago
Hi, important bug in our league :
Today's race is Brazil but .. we cannot setup for that race, Abu Dhabi is shown in "next race".
League id = 95

Alain Prost medal 5000 7 years 350 days ago
Yes we seem to have lost the Brazil race and jumped straight to Abu Dhabi with a day break that also shouldnt be there. This happened since the the re-run of our last race at Singapor due to the mix up the other night.
Is there still time to get our Brazil race to run tonight?
International GP Championship https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=95

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 7 years 350 days ago
This only just occurred to everyone and it's in 1 hour? Seems unusual for you guys, to not notice that sooner, unless nobody was preparing for this race.
Isn't this the race that broke and then i postponed?

J B medal 5000 7 years 350 days ago
Hi Jack, yes it was re-run and set to race on the day igp was off for maintenance then moved on a day at he last moment, I guess this confused the calendar.

Alain Prost medal 5000 7 years 350 days ago
All fixed, great stuff thanks for the speedy response

Marcel Smid medal 5000 7 years 350 days ago
It's good now. Thanks Jack

Rachel Brown medal 5000 7 years 350 days ago
Thanks. Some of us noticed it early, as for me I was busy and race was not prepared yet.

Tim Ingroville medal 5000 7 years 350 days ago
I noticed 5 hours ago and posted in a separate thread on the forum! Glad it's fixed cheers jack =)

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 7 years 350 days ago
Ah, I didn't catch that, sorry. :)

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 7 years 350 days ago
Jack. Just finished Brazil GP in Everyone Welcome - Elite. It now says it's generating the next season! Confusing

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 7 years 350 days ago
I know what the cause is, just working on figuring out where it's coming from. In the meantime I can manually sort this out easily enough, which I've just done. :)

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 7 years 350 days ago
Sorted itself out now Jack..... unless of course it was some sort of Jack magic :-)

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 7 years 350 days ago
Jack magic, of course.

Grant Thame medal 5084 7 years 350 days ago
We got it in IGP Champions as well with Turkey when it should be Monaco.

Tim Dennis medal 5000 7 years 350 days ago
https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=1325 Monaco race missed out on the schedule Jack can u look into it please bud thanks

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 7 years 350 days ago
I've found the root cause of the issue, it will be resolved soon.
Rather than going on manually fixing them one by one, I'll address the root cause now.

dan ruglio medal 5000 7 years 350 days ago
lol, today i didn't setup because settings were for Abu Dhabi, i arrived too late for the race because our league changed race time and, now i see i'm in the wrong forum category hahahahahaHAHAHAHA
AND THE OSCAR GOES TO: dan ruglio!!!! oh no no sorry sorry, it's for TIM INGROVILLE!!!! damn :P